There is no question that your website’s homepage is the most important page on the entire site. This means that you need to ensure that it is in tip-top shape to make the biggest impact possible. Some tips to ensure the health of your homepage and improve your overall SEO game are highlighted here.
1. Redirecting
For some websites, when the domain name is clicked, the site will redirect, which sends your browser to another URL. This can occur based on the way that your site designer, ISP or system administrator has configured your website. In most cases, a homepage that is redirected is not great for SEO. If you have a homepage that just has to redirect, then you want to be sure that it only does this once, rather than several different types.
2. Homepage Text
Your homepage should include the following items, at minimum:
1. The name of your business.
2. The type or category of business that would be searched for.
3. The address or location of the business.
4. The actual phone number.
3. Title Tags on the Homepage
The title on your homepage is the most important element related to SEO on the entire page, which means that you need to ensure that it matches up with the main things that your consumers will be searching for when they are trying to find your business. When someone is searching for your business, the two most common things he or she will search for is the name of your business and the category or type of business you have.
4. The Meta Description
While the meta description will not affect your rankings, it is important since it can help to attract potential customers to you and your business instead of your competitors. This appears in the search results for organic searches.
5. Optimized Logo
You do not have to link your logo image to the homepage; however, it is important that you provide quality alternate text for it.
6. Local Data That Is Structured
Your business name, phone number and address need to be marked up with the schema. Check yours with the testing tool for structured data offered by Google.
7. Simple Format Phone Number
This needs to be in text that is visible and punctuated in a common way to ensure that the search engines will be able to identify it as your phone number.
8. Mobile Device View
You need to see if your site looks good on mobile sites. If not, now is the time to take action and create a responsive site.
9. Spider Friendly Navigation Links
Your homepage is likely going to be your best ranking page since it will have the most external links. This is your door to the rest of the website. The spiders need to be able to quickly find all of the pages when they arrive.
10. Enhance Image SEO
Images besides your logo will contribute to your SEO if they are correctly programmed. You need to use original photos and include great alternate text for each image.
11. How Fast Is the Homepage?
Check the speed of your homepage with independent tools. Even though this is not a ranking factor, you need to ensure that customers won’t bounce away before even seeing what you have to offer.
12. Evaluate Your Social Presence
You need to determine if you have properly integrated your social media links. If you have yet to develop a presence on social media, now is the time to do so.
When you take the time to consider these local search tips you can ensure that your website not only ranks well, but that it also gains the attention necessary for success.